Through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Skills for Small Business Program, up to $2 million from the Skills Development Fund is dedicated to the backbone of Texas’s business community – our small employers. Small businesses can apply directly to TWC for training offered by their local community or technical college, or the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). TWC processes the applications and works with the college to fund the specific courses selected by businesses for their employees.
This exceptional opportunity is in conjunction with the Governor’s Small Business Forums. It supports businesses with fewer than 100 employees, and emphasizes training for new workers. It has the additional ability to upgrade the skills of incumbent works.
About the Program
Emphasizes training newly hired employees – those who have been hired by the business up to three months prior to the date that TWC receives an application.
The program pays up to $1,450 for each new employee being trained and $725 for existing employees per 12-month period.
Funding for training is for full-time employees.
All training must be provided by a public community or technical college, or the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). No third-party vendor training is allowed.
Training must be selected from active course catalogs/schedules – credit, continuing education, on-line or other available unpublished courses.
May also emphasize training in occupations targeted by Local Workforce Development Boards.
Employers must pay the prevailing wages in the local labor market for the trainees funded under the grant.
SOURCE: Texas Workforce Solutions