For Understanding Your Business Legal Matter
A good basic jumping off point for someone looking to grow their business with the correct legal help is one offered by the United States Small Business Administration.
Visit https://www.sba.gov/content/handling-legal-concerns for guidance on hiring a lawyer, frequently asked questions regarding hiring a lawyer, negotiating fees, and helpful guides on the internet to orient you.
Legal Classification of Workers a Major Legal Issue in Post-Covid Economy:
For some basic steps in starting a business in Texas in particular, visit: https://austintexas.gov/page/steps-starting-business
For discussions on liability reform in civil litigation as it effects small business, you might want to look at http://www.nfib.com/article/?cmsid=242
For a discussion on what legal matters to consider generally, see: http://www.ntsbdc.org/frequently-asked-questions/legal-taxes-faq/